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Sunday, November 15, 2009

When Do You Do Your Big Weekly Shopping Trip??

What is your shopping schedule? Do you have one? Do you end up running to the store several times a week or do you create a weekly menu and budget and then create a shopping list and shop accordingly?  I have to admit that I fall somewhere in between.  I am beginning to create a menu and corresponding list for it, but I admit with 2 small children and a full time job as a teacher it is tough to find time to do everything that I know I should do .  As I said before, we are really trying to pay down (eventually off) debt.  We have paid off about $78,000.00 dollars worth of consumer debt and student loan debt in just under 2 years.  This has been no small task, but there is a lot more to be done.  I really want to pay off my hubby's student loan by Thanksgiving (wouldn't that be something to be thankful for?)so stay tuned for that as I will be giving weekly updates!  Our next goal is to save enough money for a healthy downpayment towards a single house (we currently live in a town house).  Don't get me wrong, we are incredibly blessed to have a house at all.  I just really would like a small backyard for my girlies.  They are twin 2 year olds and they need more space to run and play.  Our current town house is a split level and is a whopping 7 floors from basement to attic.  Their bedroom is on the 5th floor (not full staircases but still !!).
I keep thinking that if I could make more time for menu planning, we might just do a little better.  What are your thoughts on this?  Do you have any other tips to offer? I would really be interested in any feedback anyone has to offer.  Also, what is your shopping routine? What seems to work best for your family? Do you do one big trip or try to hit different stores for their big sales?? I personally do a big trip on Sunday so that I can hit the sales at my top 2 or 3 stores.  Some of the stores have big 3 day sale items which come out on Friday.  Other stores start their sales on Sunday.  This way I can get the best of both worlds.  Also, do you do your drug store shopping on the same day or later in the week? 

1 comment:

  1. I do my big trip on Sunday too. I look at the ads and plan my menu based on the sales of the week!
