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Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year !


Happy New Year everyone.  I got a bit of a late start today because I was up until almost 3am this morning.  We took the twins over to be with their cousins.  They had a ball. It was their first New Years Eve.  They didn't go to bed until after 2am so needless to say they're a little bit cranky today!  I've just put them down for a nap so hopefully they will sleep it off :)

On to New Year's resolutions- Have you made any ?? I'd love to hear about them.  I have made a few, but first I wanted to talk a little bit about a few books that have changed my life.  Maybe they can help you too! Did you ever read a book that truly changes you?  I mostly read fiction books.  I really love mysteries.  I like Janet Evanovich, Harlan Coben and Sue Grafton to name just a few.  While these books are fun to read (especially Evanovich-hysterical ! ), they're not particularly enlightening so sometimes I will throw in a non-fiction book for good measure.  

 The first 2 books I wanted to talk a little bit about are written by Suzanne Somers.  I don't know if any of you have read these, but they have changed my life.  The first one is called Breakthrough.  It is all about embracing more natural foods and supplements and getting away from heavily processed foods.  I used to be a Diet Coke junkie. That is the ONLY thing I ever drank.  I haven't touched one since reading this book (on a side note I was a little mad at Suzanne initially because I missed my Diet Coke LOL).  She interviews various doctors in the book who describe what happens to us as a result of all of the chemicals in foods (Did you know there are over 40 chemicals in a bag of Doritos? YIKES).  The second book by Suzanne Somers that I am currently almost done reading is called Knockout. This is a book about doctors who are curing cancer and how to do everything you can to avoid getting it in the first place.  This book is an extension of Breakthrough, but goes into depth about how people get cancer and some of the alternatives to chemo or how to build your body up nutritionally so that you have a fighting chance.  Seriously, if you have cancer or know someone who does- you should pick up this book.  The doctors in this book have patients that have lived 18 years so far and they had been diagnosed with stage IV cancers.  It's amazing.  I just found out last night that a friend of our family may have colon cancer so I plan to pick up a copy to pass on to her.  I think people should be aware of their options.  I never knew most of the information in this book (for example, I didn't know that cancer patients should avoid all sugar because sugar helps the cancer cells multiply rapidly). Anyway, take it or leave it. I just felt the need to share this info!

The third and final book that I wanted to share with all of you is written by Dave Ramsey. It's called The Total Money Makeover.  This book has helped put my family on the road to financial freedom! Dave talks about his personal struggles with money.  He went through bankruptcy over 20 years ago and learned a thing or two along the way.  If you follow his plan and check in with this website daily I guarantee your family will be better off this time next year.  I have been following Dave's plan for 2 years now and so far my family has paid off over $83,000 in debt.  We are in the process of buying a little side business for my hubby and we are almost debt free (except for the house!). It can be done. If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get out of debt, you should greab a copy of Dave's book! I can't even remember how I stumbled upon him, but thank God I did.  He had a TV show every night on the Fox Business Network and a radio show.  He teaches people to be weird.  Normal is paying for everything on credit and having a car loan, mortgage and no savings.  We don't want to be normal. We should want to be weird by having no debt and no car payments :)

In the spirit of being very weird I wanted to announce my New Year's resolution.  I just sent in a payment for $1673.26 to cover the extra home insurance payment I inadvertently owed (my most recent goal).  I am now on the the next goal.  My financial goal for 2010 is to save $50,000 this year.  That seems like a mountain right now (since I am starting at $1135.78), but I know I can do it! I plan to attack this goal the same way I have attacked all of the others.  I will put every spare dime in the savings account.  I will list the girl's old clothes and toys on Craigslist and Ebay.  I will do whatever it takes to complete this. Stay tuned...

So on to you- What are your financial goals for your family? Have you made any money resolutions? Let us help each other.  I would love to hear your goals and any money saving tips that you have. I would also love to get recommendations from you about books that have changed your life.  I am always open to learning new things.  Email me at mommyluvs2save@yahoo.com  I will post other people's tips so we can all help each other.


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