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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

And the Finalists For The $50 Gift Card Are :

Okay so I could only narrow it down to 4 finalists instead of 3.  Pick your favorite, contact me with your choice and I will post the winner on Thursday night!   The winner will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.  The winner will have 24 hours to contact me with their address or the person with the next highest votes will be the winner!
Here goes:
Story 1 by Carey
This has been a crazy year for my sister in law. She went in for her normal yearly physical & mammogram. There was a questionable spot so she went through further testing. She was diagnosed with breast cancer & they took more biopsies. The cancer had spread to a lymph node already which meant she would need to start chemo & then radiation. She had her first day of chemo last Friday. The hair loss has been rapid & is getting her down. She will be completely hairless by the end of the week. I would love to spoil her with some new make up. She has already lost her eyebrows & is very sensitive about it. If I won the gift card I would spend it all on her since the medical bills are already out of control for them. Every woman deserves to be & feel pretty. I would love to be able to bless her with some essentials to get her to that point
Story 2 by Trisha N.
I work for a medical oncology(cancer) group of doctors. Among the sad stories I see every day, there is one family that has touched my heart in particular. The patient is a terminally ill 39-year-old dad of 3 young kids, all under 10. The patient is unlikely to survive until Christmas, and his family is obviously distraught.
Adding to their misery is the fact that they are financially destitute, living in a run down mobile home and on the verge of eviction due to inability to pay rent. For this dad's 3 children and devoted wife, Christmas this year looks pretty bleak.
Should I win the $50 gift card, I would prepare a home cooked Christmas dinner for this family, turkey, dressing, potatoes, veggies, gravy, pies, the whole she-bang. I would use coupons and other money saving methods I learned here and on other blogs and hopefully have money left over for a small gift for each child.
Due in part to patient privacy laws, this would all be done anonymously, so I would ask for suggestions from you and your readers regarding the best way to deliver the meal and gifts to this dear family on Christmas Eve.
Story 3 by Kita B.
As a young single parent, I endured allot of struggles and hardships in life. Raising a child while trying to complete my studies at a local college and hold a job at the same time was no walk in the park. There were times when my son and I just had the bare necessities and just had to do without any extra luxuries. For the first 4 years of my son’s life, Christmas was pretty much non existent because I just could not afford it. I wanted my son to have an awesome Christmas like other little children but unfortunately I was unable to make it happen for him. Now much more mature and financially stable I am able to provide much better for my son and Christmas is definitely the most wonderful time of the year. Remembering my past, I have adopted a family (single mother with one child) and plan to help make their Christmas a memorable one. The gift card will help to purchase toys and clothing for the child and will hopefully put a smile of his mother's face.

Story 4 by Erika C.
I would use the gift card to take my six year old twin nieces to Disney on Ice. These two little angels have been wanting so badly to see "Mickey on his ice skates" but unfortunatley I have been unemployed for the past 15 months so I cannot afford to purchase the tickets. 2009 nine has been a very hard year not only for me but for my enitre family. My father, my nieces beloved "Pop Pop" unexpectedly passed away from Pancreatic cancer. Unbelievably the very same week he died my nieces own father was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. Thankfully he has made through surgery and chemotherapy and is now believed to be in remission. But at the tender age of six my nieces know far more then they should about illness, hospitals and death. Yet, through it all they have kept the entire family smiling. Now I would like to return the favor and see their faces light up when they watch Mickey skate around the ice. It would truly give me a warm and fuzzy feeling to be able to use the gift card to stuff their stockings with those tickets!!!
There were many more heart warming stories.  It was hard to choose even 4.  I hope everyone is able to make at least one little wish come true for someone they care about.  Now the voting begins.  You can vote until Thursday night at 10.  I will announce a winner at that time! Good Luck!

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