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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

National Consumer Panel: Reader Wins $500!

Wow! Remember the Nielsen National Consumer Panel opportunities that I have mentioned in the past?! Well, check out this email from reader, Esther, to see how she just won $500 in the form of a Pre-Paid American Express card…
I have been learning so much from you blog and really appreciate your hard work. I wanted to tell you about the wonders that came in my mailbox yesterday because of you. I am a part of many survey places that you have recommended. Yesterday I received a product to try and I was so excited. Then I saw another mailing sent to me and I thought it was a credit card application. I decided to look and I had won a contest with my NCP scanning for $500. I was shocked and so excited. This is just from one day and is only a small example of how you have helped me. Thanks so much.

Congrats on your win, Esther! Isn’t that so awesome?! It just goes to show that it IS possible to win BIG!

*If you are not familiar with the Nielsen National Consumer Panel (NCP), it focuses on measuring consumer attitudes and behavior. As a panel member, Homescan will provide you with a hand-held scanner. Every time you or members of your household shop, you’ll use the scanner to scan the barcodes on all of your purchases. Then, once a week, you’ll send them your purchase information. As a reward for doing so, you’ll earn gift points that are redeemable for name-brand merchandise, including electronics equipment, jewelry, household items, toys, and more!

If you’re interested in becoming part of the Consumer Panel, then you’ll want to go on over here to sign up. Not all areas need Panel Members at this time, but it is still worth signing up as you may get entered into sweepstakes and possibly get lucky like Esther!

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