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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Get Your Family Debt Free ~ You Can Do It !!

One of the main reasons that I created this website was to help other families save money on their every day expenses in order to free up extra money to use for debt repayment.  My husband and I used to have over $100,000 in debt not counting our mortage and we're doing everything we can to get rid of it.  We're almost there, but we are now looking into the possiblility of moving to a new home, which will be more expensive.  This would have never been possible if not for getting rid of most of our debt. 

We have twin 3 year old girlies whom we adore (obviously~right??). At some point I would love to learn to make enough money to work from home.  Currently, I work 40 hours per week as a Special Education teacher (which I love), but in 2 years the girls will go to kindergarten and it will be more difficult to work because of summer vacations, early mornings and snow days (just to name a few issues).  I am exploring several options (surveys, mystery shopping etc...).  As I learn about these work at home opportunities I try to share that information with all of you as well.

I get wonderful emails daily from some of you telling me how the website has helped your family.  Please keep sending them as they truly make my day.  Also, please drop me an email if you've found a good source of income for stay at home moms so that I can check that out too!  It is my hope that we can all learn from one another in order to get our families on the road to financial freedom!

1 comment:

  1. I am currently in between jobs and did some research on mystery shopping and am currently signed up for a couple of great companies. I don't get rich like some of the scams say, but I definitely make some extra cash (along with meal reimbursements, automotive service reimbursements, etc.). Being a stay-at-home mom, I like the fact that I get to choose my own schedule.

    I landed with a great company called BestMark; they have a lot of shops in my area with a lot of variety. I actually heard about them because I received one of those scam checks to wire money somewhere and looked further into MS companies. I found this article helpful in figuring out how to find legitimate companies: http://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Legitimate-Mystery-Shopping-Company . We all know that there are tons of scams going on right now and it’s best to do your research before you sign up for anything!

    I haven’t had any problems yet with BestMark; my state scheduler is awesome and the reports are easy and the pay is decent. I am also signed up with MarketForce but they don’t have many jobs around me. If you want to try a legit company I would definitely suggest visiting http://www.bestmark.com
