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Monday, June 14, 2010

Work At Home Opportunities!


I don't know about you guys, but I am on a mission to try to pay off my family's debt and stay home with my twin girlies. They turned 3 a few months ago and I really treasure every minute I am fortunate enough to spend with them.  We are making serious headway into getting debt free. We've managed to pay off around $87,000 in debt so far including our 2 year old mini van, over $27,000 in credit cards and  a large student loan.  The only debt left to pay off is my husband's Durango, which we were silly enough to lease (the lease is up in November and then no more car payments for us~ hopefully).
While I'm happy for all of our successes, I'm still not at the point of being able to stay home with our girlies. I am always on the lookout for work at home opportunities. I found a few I wanted to share with all of you. These are survey companies. You can earn some extra cash each month. Be sure to set up a separate email account for surveys so that the don't crowd your regular email because you will be sent survey opportunities from them.
Lightspeed Research- I recently signed on with them and have already cashed out for 5 $10 Paypal payments. You get points for each survey (the ones I have taken have been 75 or 150 points each) A $5 Amazon gift card is 550 points, a $10 Amazon gift card is 1100 and a $10 paypal payment is 1150 points. There are LOTS of other gift cards available too but those are my favorite! You can check it out HERE
Panda Research - You get $3 to sign up and survey amounts vary depending on length. You also get emails that you get paid to read (by clicking a link). Payments are paid in $50 amounts. Go on over HERE to check it out!

Inbox Dollars - You get paid to read emails, take surveys and play games. You also get a $5 sign on bonus with this one.  Go on over HERE to check it out!

If you know of any other legitimate Work At Home opportunities, let us know! I am always looking to try new methods to accomplish our goals!


1 comment:

  1. Hey I just wanted to let you know about www.mypoints.com. While it won't help you pay the bills, it will help you save up enough points to get gift cards. Which I use for just around my son's birthdays or Christmas. Its a life saver :)
