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Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Huggies Little Swimmers Coupon & Deals

There is a new $1.50/1 Little Swimmers coupon available to print.

Huggies Little Swimmers (10-12 ct.), $8.99

$1.50/1 Printable Coupon
$1.50/1 Target Coupon
$5.99 after coupons

On a personal note, I am having the hardest time potty training one of the twins.  She turned 3 in February so it's way past time for us to have this together. She has no problem peeing on the potty, but refuses to poop on the potty (sorry if that's TMI, but I need help!! Any suggestions??).  Her sister is totally potty trained and has tried to show her how to do it. It's the cutest thing~ Olivia will say to her "First you push the pee pee out , next the poopie."  Please give me any suggestions you may have, I'm desperate!

1 comment:

  1. I am having the same deal here with my dd who will be 3 in July. It is not so unusual as I mention it to other moms, for the age, or to refuse to go #2 in the potty. My daughter is very advanced with a lot of other things, so I just try to stay happy for that and don't push her on the potty thing b/c that just creates stress for both of us. I really wanted her to be in classes soon where I don't need to be there, like ballet, or something like that (to give myself a break during the day and for her to learn about structure in a class setting, etc., but I don't think that is possible without being potty trained and I have come to accept it. She really wants to do that, and I keep telling her when she is all potty trained then she can go to ballet school. One of my friends told me that in this situation, she pretended to cry and be sad that her dd was not going poo in the potty and finally that made her do it. Manipulative maybe, but it worked for her. Her and other friends have told me that they just finally stuck their kid in underwear and soon the kids just get sick of sitting in their soiled diaper/Pull Up. I am not committed to do this yet. Maybe when she is 3 I will be. Good luck and I am looking forward to tips on this myself.
